5. Skimt
(Concept; Visual Identity, Rebranding)

SKIMT is a project I did for a subject at KMD, which challenged us to rebrand an environmental orgianization in Norway called Fremtiden i våre hender, giving them a new logo, visual identity and campaign concept. 

Norwegian word, meaning:

1 sudden light; blink; flash
2 weak glare; hint of colour
3 brief, blurry vision; glimpse

Name & logo:

The new name is supposed to represent the hope of a better future, with a more positive note and encouragment to young people. In the logo I have chosen to remove the capital “i” and leave it as an open window, through where a crack of light can shine through. It also gives a lot of creativitiy to work with the empty space. It is close enough that you read it as a cohesive word and your brain is allowed to fill the blank space. The future is yours.

Concept for campaign:

A picture says more than a thousand words. I am a strong advocate to not feed people with silver spoons, but rather encourage to self-reflection and individual interpretation. The posters were made to give strong associations and grab people´s attention, also to the new name of the organization. All posters come in pairs and work best together as a context, but may also work individually.

Mock campaign posters for a rebranding of Fremtiden i våre hender
/ 2023

Photos taken from Pexels and Pinterest.
